SOLID, A Pleasant Walk, 2018, Ausstellungsanischt, Kaskadenkondensator Raum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance, Basel
SOLID, A Pleasant Walk, 2018, Ausstellungsanischt, Kaskadenkondensator Raum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance, Basel
SOLID, A Pleasant Walk, 2018, Ausstellungsanischt, Kaskadenkondensator Raum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance, Basel
SOLID, A Pleasant Walk, 2018, Ausstellungsanischt, Kaskadenkondensator Raum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance, Basel
SOLID, A Pleasant Walk, 2018, Ausstellungsanischt, Kaskadenkondensator Raum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance, Basel

Kaskadenkodensator – Projektraum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance, Basel (CH)
6 – 28 January 2018

The walk //// whether one strolls early in the morning, with the dewdrops glittering in the morning sun, or treads in boots on a stormy autumn day, it is certainly a pleasant walk ///// The one asks, through its forceful presence, for surroundings offering counterweight; another needs primarily space in order to be seen at all //// The alternation of light and shadow, the seasonal colour change of the greenery, rained or snowed upon, every alteration in the context or condition lends depth to the perception of the sculptures /////
(Joop van Caldenborgh, Sculptures, Caldic Collectie, 2009)

SOLID invites you to stroll around:
In Kaskadenkondensator SOLID constructs a new kind of sculpture garden. This spatial shift transports the monumental into the exhibition space. A contemporary garden with feelings of joy and lust arises. The different artistic positions and methods will meet each other, merging and filling the space. Different elements in the architecture of the exhibition reinterpret the space and invite the visitor to explore new points of view on the works. SOLID emphasizes the physical presence of the sculptures and the pleasure of the experience. 

Supported by Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung, Basel (CH)